Personality Quiz

6. Your hobbies include…

a. solitary activities (reading, writing).
b. volunteering at a children’s hospital
c. team sports
d. skydiving and rock climbing

7. Your friends love you because you are…

a. high-spirited, vivacious, fun.
b. sweet, soft-spoken, sincere.
c. patient, sociable, easygoing.
d. brave, outspoken, determined.

8. In relationships, you…

a. are often pursued by ardent suitors.
b. are a genuine Maria Clara.
c. definitely “stand by your man.”
d. are good at keeping errant boyfriends in line.

9. Your boyfriend is late again. You’ve been fuming for the past hour at the mall, and your coffee has turned cold. You call his cell and say…

a. “Sorry, I’m going home. Maybe next time you’ll manage to show up on time…”
b. “Is the traffic bad out there, honey?”
c. “Please hurry, we’re gonna miss the movie if you don’t show up soon!”
d. “*%$@#! I’ve been waiting here forever!!!”

10. Your friends often accuse you of being…

a. fickle.
b. too shy.
c. a doormat.
d. hot-tempered.


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